I can recall at the age of 5 having my first opportunity to put into practice what my mother and my aunts taught me about fighting back. It seems, that I came out of the womb to them teaching me how to fight back. So I'm a kindergartner and I found myself in the grips of a mischievous, and relentless little boy that was determined to lift my skirt, and look under my dress. (Yes they start that young!) I have to this day vivid memories of me yelling "stop, quit-it". I remember going in circles for what felt like forever trying to get out of the boy's arms, but he would not let me go. I know my mother was close by, but apparently she wasn't close enough when this broke out. I can recall a fear coming over me. The fear of not knowing what was going to happen if I lost the struggle with this little boy. I also remember that I wasn't fighting back. Yelling stop, and pulling away was not getting the job done. I'm sure you've heard of the term "fight or flight" as a natural defense mechanism. Well I was trying to run and couldn't? So I had to fight. I took my free arm and drew it ALL the way back, came around, and smacked this little boy so hard in the face that I surprised myself!!? It was so loud that it appear to echo, and I'm not exaggerating. The next thing I know the little boy had loosed his grip, and ran off yelling and crying to his mother! I couldn't it worked? My mom, being a third party witness has a similar account of this story, and now we both laugh about it. Needless to say moving forward I learned to use what my momma taught me! Lol.
As children of God we are sometimes conflicted on how we should fight back effectively. Although fighting back naturally may make us feel good about standing up for ourselves, it does very little to amend the problem in the spiritual realm.
Ephesians 6:12 says: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places(or the heavenly places).
So, it is no wonder that we are faced with complexed issues that some of the smartest, and most powerful people in our governments can't fix! Mass shootings on innocent people. Twisted vigilante justice against innocent officers. Trigger happy policemen killing unarmed surrendered citizens. Prejudice, racism and hate. These are all natural issues that we have no idea how to fight and win physically. That is because this is a spiritual fight, and one that only the children of God can suit up for.
True believers are the light of
this world, and we carry the strength of God within us. So we as Christians must be properly prepared. Yes, we know we are called to love. But unfortunately many believe that love doesn't involve standing up for the standards of God, or fighting back with the Word of God. Read Ephesians 6:12-18. There is a list telling us how to defend, and offend.
In order to fight back effectively, we must be righteous through Jesus Christ.
Also, it
is the truth of the Word, and our shield of faith,
which protects us from false doctrines, and lies that are presented in the
form of human reason.
We must protect
our minds, with the truth that our salvation is safe with Christ. When
we have the assurance of who we belong to, and what our Father has already done we can win the battle against Satan. Then finally, but most importantly we must
use the ONLY offensive weapon in our arsenal, the sword of the Spirit. Meaning you're gonna have to swing! If we don’t know how to "use" the Word of God to fight back it's like having a loaded gun in our hands and refusing to fire at the threat. The Word of God is how the Children of
God fight back spiritually. This is the only way to to fight against the evil forces that use people to commit horrible ungodly acts. It is also how we fight to win the personal battles in our lives. Read Luke 4: 1-13 where
Jesus used the word of God only, to fight back against the temptation of the
devil. But take note, it first says "He was filled with the Spirit". If you are carnal, or someone who likes to play both sides of the fence...Warning, this may not work for you. Take self inventory and make sure you are exercising your spiritual disciplines according to Ephesian chapter 6. This is why it is extremely important to know the word of God, apply the word of God, and put it on repeat! It is the only way that we will be able to fight back and win.
We must be protected and armed with the Word
of God. We have to know exactly how to use every verse, command, promise of God, and truth of God to destroy the
lies of the enemy, and stop his attacks against God's people.
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