Wednesday, September 10, 2014

With Your Whole Heart


 Jeremiah 29:13
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Have you ever wanted God to be close to you but never understood why you couldn’t feel Him? Why you couldn’t hear him? There are times when we find our selves in difficult situations to which we can see no way out.  We wonder if God sees and hear our cries for help.  Never mind that we have not given God daily the earnest attention He deserves.  We often toss out that we have neglected our daily communion and relationship with Christ.  We don’t stop to think that when we find ourselves in bondage in great troubles that it could be chastisement from the Lord to place us back on track.  

In this scripture, The Lord is reassuring Israel that even though their disobedience and sin has lead them to be held captive by Babylon that He would be there if they searched for Him with their whole hearts.  See Jesus never forsakes us even when we are in the mist of being chastised.  But in our chastisement we have to accept our fault, repent to God and learn.  We learn by seeking after Him with all of our hearts. This does not mean that we say a few fleeting prayers, and read couple of scriptures here in there. But we must search for God like we are searching for lost treasure.   We have to get on our knees and search for Jesus with a heavy heart and tears in our eyes. Dwell in the presence of God until we feel the burden of bondage lift.  If you don’t know how to enter into the presence of God alone, play praise and worship song to help usher you into His presence this always works for me when I am having a difficult time.

 We must understand that our allegiance to Christ must be 24/7. We can’t serve the world, and only serve God when it’s convenient for us.  God wants our whole heart. Isn’t that the first commandment? (Exodus 20:3 and Matt. 22:37)  Remember that God is a spirit, and He wants a people that will worship Him in spirit and in truth John  4:24. This is the only way to truly find God. He knows yours thoughts and the intent of your heart. There is no way to pull the wool of His eyes.  Just surrender fully to Christ and watch Him show up in your spirit, and in your daily life.

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